
What We Believe

We adhere to the Baptist Faith & Message 2000

Man's Need

We Believe that all humanity is born with sinful desires and hearts, and that this separates us from God.

Peace Through Christ

We also believe (to quote Paul in Romans 5) that followers of Jesus have peace with God, through Christ’s life of active obedience and his death in our stead on the cross.

Christ Righteousness Imparted

We believe our righteousness is not a righteousness we have attained by good works, but is a righteousness imparted to us by means of faith (Philippians 3:9).

Good fruit & Good Works

Additionally the type of faith that imparts righteousness to us, is the type of faith (James 2) which produces good works in our lives, and overflows in gospel hope to those around us (Ephesians 2:10).

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